Looking to Upgrade or Eliminate Other Systems?
Tap2Open can work alongside other systems to add smartphone access for residents and guests. In other cases, customers are looking to replace older technologies. Tap2Open can also be used:

Tap2Open can work alongside other systems to add smartphone access for residents and guests. In other cases, customers are looking to replace older technologies. Tap2Open can also be used:
With increases to the minimum wage, on-site security guards have become prohibitively expense for many neighborhoods. These neighborhoods are now looking for alternatives to the guards, or are looking to reduce guard hours. Tap2Open is an ideal solution.
The primary purpose of guards is to clear guests. With Tap2Open, invited guests can let themselves in, without speaking to a guard or action by the resident. Not only will this reduce the costs to the neighborhood, it is also a better experience for guests. If a guest doesn’t have a smart phone, they can call the resident for access, or use the optional keypad.
In a hybrid model, guards would be at the gate during high-volume hours, and Tap2Open would be used during slower periods. With Tap2Open, guests can use the resident lane and skip the line 24/7. For unannounced visitors, during guard hours, guests can go to the guard, and the guard can clear the guest (guards can see all invitations).
Tap2Open is the Most Cost Effective Solution
When you compare Tap2Open to guards or virtual (remote) guards, the choice is clear:
Typical Household Costs
Security Type Cost/Household/Month
Tap2Open $2-3
Virtual Guard $10-12
Guard * $20-200+
* A single guard at a cost of $25/Hour, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year is $219,000!
As you can see, Tap2Open is the most cost effective solution! In addition, Tap2Open is more convenient for guests. Tap2Open speeds guests through the gate quicker than guards or remote guards.
· Envera Systems is a virtual guard service. This is the same as a remote guard service.
Many customers with callboxes are coming to Tap2Open to enhance or eliminate their callbox. As an enhancement, guests can receive invitations, and let themselves in (the callbox still functions as usual). However, callboxes have many shortcomings:
With callboxes, typically the resident needs be home to let the person in. Additionally, the call usually goes to one or more numbers. Depending on the age and configuration of the callbox, many times this just doesn’t work well. With Tap2Open, the guest simply clicks on their phone to get in!
For times when the resident isn’t home, many callboxes also have keypads. However, with standard keypads, either one or a few codes are used for all visitors. There are many problems with this…First, they are rarely changed and often shared, which is a big security issue. Secondly, often there are easy to guess common codes (5555,1234) that are used for deliveries, landscaping, etc.
With Tap2Open, guests with invitations can let themselves in, whether the guest is home or not. If the guest is unannounced, they can call the resident, and have the resident buzz them in. For guests without smartphones, guests can use our keypads with our unique codes attached to an invitation. The codes are designed to be difficult to guess, only work during specified times, and automatically expire with the invitation. This makes them much more convenient and secure!
Many neighborhoods looking for an alternative to manned guards are considering remote guards. With remote guards, guests speak into a callbox, and an operator at the other end clears guests. This is less expensive than onsite guards, but is not as convenient as Tap2Open, and much more expensive than Tap2Open.
With Tap2Open, the guest can open the gate themselves. They can skip the step of using the callbox. This is faster and contactless. In addition, Tap2Open is much more convenient when it is snowing or raining, as the guest doesn’t have to roll down the window.
If a guest isn’t registered, while the guest waits, the remote guard is going to call the resident. With Tap2Open, the guest simply calls the resident themselves! The resident can then buzz in the guest. There is no value added to the remote attendant.
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